spay neuter

2021 Year in Numbers, Annual Fundraiser, and On-demand Learning

2021 while a successful year, was a difficult for us and everyone in the TNR community. As the pandemic carried into year two, we faced ongoing clinic closures, reduced staff, and more people leaving the city and their colonies. In the face of these obstacles, we still managed to achieve a lot.

See our year in numbers infographic for what we achieved. Of course, there are many more numbers not accounted for in the chart. There are the times we had technical challenges on Zoom (hello mysterious echo), hours spent cleaning data in spreadsheets, preparing certificates, and fixing errors on our website. Those all seem very minor when we tally the impact of a year of TNR training for trappers from Canada to Brazil!

Last Call for our Annual Fundraiser

Today is the last day to give to our annual holiday fundraiser and receive a tax receipt for 2021.

As of writing, we are $5,494 away from our $15,000 goal, which is not a small amount to achieve in a day but we have yet to miss out goal in the last 4 years thanks to the amazing support of this community. If 55 people give $100, we would hit that goal and with the number of people who receive this email, that should be possible.

Thank you so much to everyone who has already generously donated and to our 10 new monthly donors who will help sustain our program throughout 2022. You are community cat all-stars!

For those who are not in a position to give right now, your on-going support for colony cats, and your likes, comments, and shares in our online communities means so much and helps put our program on more people’s radar.

On-Demand Learning

We will launch a version of the TNR course on-demand in January, allowing anyone to learn the same day or same week they discover our program with an interactive webinar recording. The live course will still be held while we trial this new learning platform and assess the popularity of this learning style.

Automating our course will save us countless volunteer hours on repetitive tasks, but more importantly, it will help more cats.

When someone reaches out to us, they have often just discovered a colony of cats and are looking for help right away. If our next course is not for another 3 weeks or conflicts with their schedule, this is a major obstacle to getting those cats into clinics that can cause months of delays. Two months is enough time for a cat to become pregnant and give birth outdoors. 🙀

On-demand learning will speed up the process when time is of the essence and we are so excited for it to launch! We have a trial version already built with a recording we made this year on Zoom. Our intent is to make a more professional recording this coming year.